Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Post 2 - Four weeks into internship

My internship site name is NYU hospital for joint diseases.

In my internship I work on the medical record field

My company provide help for people that suffer from joint dieseases,and give them medical attention that they required.

In my internship I'm usually giving task dependending on what need to be done at that moment.So sometimes it might involve filing ,organizing file,collect charts,put patients file in envellope,or just printing patient file.

Three qualities my mentor have is that he's considerate,he's very curious,and he's also

one memorable moments that was also funnyb is when i was trying to get a chart nd i was too short too reach it so i fell down.

one thing i really enoy about my internship is the food in the cafeteria,they taste pretty good

Ileave school at exactly 11;55 to go go to internhip

it usually take me one hour nd sometimes 50 minutes to get to my intership.

I usually get home at 6 oclock

my mentor sighn my sheets everytime im finish at work